What Not To Eat After A Workout?

After a strenuous workout, it’s crucial to refuel your body with the right nutrients to aid in recovery and maximize the benefits of your exercise. While there are plenty of nutritious options to choose from, it’s equally important to know what not to eat after a workout.

When I eat before a workout, it’s important to fuel up with foods that provide me with energy and don’t weigh me down. I prefer simple carbohydrates like a banana or a small serving of oatmeal for quick energy. These foods are easy to digest and provide a quick source of glucose for my muscles. I also make sure to stay hydrated by drinking water or a sports drink.

After a workout, I think it’s crucial to focus on recovery and muscle repair. Protein-rich foods like chicken, tofu, or a protein shake help rebuild and strengthen my muscles. I also include complex carbohydrates like brown rice or sweet potatoes to replenish glycogen stores and support recovery. Adding some vegetables for vitamins and minerals rounds out my post-workout meal.

In this article, I’ll share what I’ve learned along the way about what not to eat after a workout.

What Foods Should Be Avoided Post-Exercise?

Eating the wrong foods after a workout can negate all the hard work you put in at the gym. This is because the foods you eat after a workout can either promote muscle growth and recovery or hinder it. Eating the wrong foods can lead to inflammation, poor nutrient absorption, and even muscle breakdown.

These are foods you should definitely avoid after exercising or working out:

Sugary Snacks and Drinks

One of the biggest mistakes you can make after a workout is reaching for sugary snacks or beverages. These include soda, candy, sugary energy bars, and even certain fruit juices. While sugar may give you a brief energy boost, it also causes a crash that can make you feel even more exhausted.

I believe sugary treats post-workout can undo your hard work by causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Opting for healthier sources of energy is a wiser choice.

Greasy Fast Food

Indulging in greasy fast food like burgers, fries, or fried chicken after a workout can hinder your progress. These foods are high in unhealthy fats and can lead to digestive discomfort when consumed right after exercise.

In my view, greasy fast food lacks the nutrients your body needs for recovery and can make you feel sluggish rather than energized.

Excessive Protein Bars

Protein bars can be a convenient post-workout option, but it’s essential to choose wisely. Some protein bars are loaded with sugar, artificial ingredients, and excessive calories.

I recommend reading the labels carefully and opting for protein bars with natural ingredients and minimal added sugars.


Having an alcoholic drink after a workout is not a good idea. Alcohol can dehydrate your body and impair muscle recovery.

In my opinion, it’s best to save alcohol for another time and focus on rehydrating with water or a sports drink after exercising.

Spicy Foods

While spicy foods can be delicious, they might not be the best choice immediately after a workout. Spices can irritate your stomach, leading to discomfort and potentially affecting your digestion.

It’s better to opt for milder, easily digestible options post-workout to ensure your body can efficiently absorb nutrients.

Large, Heavy Meals

Consuming a large, heavy meal right after a workout can overwhelm your digestive system. It may lead to bloating, indigestion, and sluggishness.

Instead of heavy meals, I suggest eating a balanced and portion-controlled post-workout snack or meal to aid in recovery without discomfort.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners found in diet sodas, sugar-free gum, or low-calorie snacks can disrupt your body’s natural hunger cues and may not support your post-workout recovery needs.

In my view, it’s better to avoid artificial sweeteners and opt for whole, minimally processed foods.


In conclusion, what you eat after a workout plays a crucial role in your fitness journey. To make the most of your efforts, it’s essential to avoid foods and drinks that can hinder your progress. Instead, focus on nourishing your body with balanced, nutrient-dense options that promote recovery and overall well-being. By making thoughtful choices about what not to eat after a workout, you can maintain your energy levels, enhance muscle repair, and achieve your fitness goals more effectively.

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